
Celebrating 30 Years in Vancouver!

Originating in Canada in 1970, the first BIAs in Vancouver – Gastown and Mt. Pleasant – formed in 1989. Today, the BIA model has grown to 22 BIAs in Vancouver, over 70 in BC, over 400 in Canada, and 1000’s worldwide representing 1000’s of businesses! Throughout the years, BIAs have contributed to the success and vitality of Vancouver’s neighbourhoods, and have worked in close partnership with the City of Vancouver to achieve our common goal of making Vancouver a desirable and welcoming place to live, work and play.

A BIA Has a Two-Fold Mandate

1. To improve, beautify and maintain public lands and buildings within the BIA, beyond what is provided by the municipality at-large.

2. To promote the area as a business and shopping area – including eateries, shops and services – beyond what businesses can do individually. BIAs benefit local economies through various initiatives:


Cost-effective exposure for businesses/area including co-op ads, directory brochures, social media and other digital marketing, media features.


Showcasing the area, nurturing social connections and attracting patrons through season events, street festivals, outdoor movie nights and more.

Street Enhancements and Safety

Making the area safer and brighter through street lighting, banners, planters, street furniture, social employment clean
teams, and various safety initiatives (i.e. safety guides, workshops, street ambassadors).

Community and Business Engagement

Establishing valuable partnerships, cross-promotions and networking events to connect businesses and other
community members. BIAs partner with municipal departments, community centres, neighbourhood houses, CPCs, schools and much more.

Business Recruitment

Working with property owners and realtors to recruit and retain tenants, and encourage an optimum business mix.


Supporting businesses by advocating to address local issues (i.e. parking, transportation, permit processes, commercial property taxes, etc.); serving conduit of information and liaising with stakeholders about relevant business matters.


The City collects a levy from commercial property owners (usually derived from business tenants) in the BIA boundary, for the BIA operating budget. All commercial property owners and business tenants within the boundary are members of the BIA, and can provide input and vote on the budget. Budgets vary in different business areas – ranging from approximately $125,000 to $1 million+. Each commercial property owner’s contribution to the BIA is a nominal fraction of their total tax contribution.

Accountability and Inclusivity

The BIA levy is also nominal in relation to the many benefits. This is possible because businesses collectively contribute to an organization that represents the entire business area and is accountable to each business – maximizing resources and working together to make things better.

Businesses have a say in what the BIA does. A BIA is led by a volunteer Board of local business and commercial property owners. A BIA consults with members throughout the year: there are monthly meetings to plan and develop initiatives, and an annual general meeting to approve a draft budget and elect Board members. Participation and input is welcome.

Everything You Need In One Place

Point Grey Village is the perfect destination to meet friends for coffee, to have a family dinner, or browse around in one-of-a-kind specialty shops. There are a number of different professional services to guarantee that local residents don’t need to go far for a medical appointment, a spa visit or to talk to a lawyer.

Coffee & Bakeries

You cannot visit Point Grey Village without finding a café with delicious baking. Every block has at least one.
 In the winter, relax inside a warm cozy café and in the summer, sit outdoors and watch the world go by.

Fashion & Shopping

West 10th Avenue has a number unique shops, both fashion and home décor. Find the right jacket for yourself or a sound system for your home, and anything in between.

Beauty & Wellness

Want to have your nails done, get a hair cut or build your muscles? All that is possible in Point Grey Village. There is no service that is missing.

Restaurants & Eateries

Whether you like pizza, sushi or a nice three course meal, we have a place for you. Over 20 eateries within three blocks. You can’t go hungry!

Grocery & Produce

There are two stores, Kin’s Farm Market and Top Ten Produce, that are currently selling groceries and produce in Point Grey Village. Check and see if they have what you need before you go any further.

Specialty Shops

Point Grey Village has a plethora of local specialty shops and services including wine, crafts, designer apparel, jewellery, and art. Take a stroll along West 10th Avenue to peruse the unique offerings from our local merchants.

Children's Activities

Point Grey Village has places where children can learn to effectively use their body and/or their mind. Whether it is martial arts or a creative activity, we have it.

Home Decor

West 10th Avenue has a number unique shops, both fashion and home décor. Find the right jacket for yourself or a sound system for your home, and anything in between.

Professional Services

Are you looking for a bank, a therapist, a vet for your pet or a physiotherapist? Take a look at our directory. Every business on West 10th Avenue between Discovery and Tolmie is listed.